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Buying or selling? Work with Ty Wallace this Holiday Season

By in Planning to Buy a Home? with 0 Comments

Buying or selling? Work with Ty Wallace this Holiday SeasonAre you dreaming of a white Christmas? Probably not, considering you live in California. Instead, are you dreaming of selling or buying a home? Then Ty Wallace is your man. Just try and avoid getting these festive parodies of Bing Crosby’s famous tune, “White Christmas” stuck in your head… just try!

First, for those who want to BUY a home this holiday season:

I’m dreaming of a new home…

Not like the one I used to know…

Where the roof is brand new

And wow, what a view!

Thank you Ty for all your help!


I’m dreaming of a new home…

With every heavy box I pack…

May you days be merry and bright

And may all your home buying be with Ty.


Now, for those who want to SELL a home this holiday season:

I’m dreaming of a SOLD sign…

Not just any SOLD sign…

Oh my front lawn’s ready…

For Ty Wallace’s steady

Team to sell my house real soon!


I’m dreaming of a SOLD sign…

With every look at my check book…

May your days be merry and bright

And may all your home selling be with Ty.


Merry Christmas from Ty Wallace and his team!

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