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Defining Needs and Wants When Thinking About a New Home

By in Planning to Buy a Home? with 0 Comments

So, you’re ready to buy a new home? Great! It’s important to think about and discuss everything you’d like in your new home with your expert realtor, Ty Wallace. That way, he and his team can better assist you with finding your ideal home, and you won’t waste time looking at properties that won’t work for you.

Don’t be afraid to mention things that might seem frivolous or unimportant to other people. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of having a wrap-around porch, a sunroom, or an old-fashioned ice cream parlor within walking distance. Sure, those things aren’t on many people’s lists, but the point is, this home will be for you, so no need to hide your desires to avoid appearing silly. Ty Wallace has been in the real estate business for over 20 years, so there’s no criteria that he hasn’t heard before. Don’t be shy!

It’s also important to discuss your needs and wants to your partner, kids, and any other family members who will be sharing the living space. If everyone can come to a consensus on what’s truly invaluable to the family before even looking at properties, it will make the search much more simple and harmonious for everyone.

There will be trade-offs for every property and for every family. If both partners work outside the home, almost always one will have a longer commute. Some people adore more urban settings, and others would rather live in the suburbs and have a lower cost of living, but a longer commute. Many people value diversity and want to live in areas where there are people from many different ethnic backgrounds, and others don’t really care as much about that.

There are so many factors to consider, but if you and your family can prioritize what is essential for your family’s happiness, that will be an excellent first step to finding your new home. Don’t worry, Ty Wallace can help you with this, call today [phone]

Congratulations on starting this special journey towards finding a new home!

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