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Why NOW is a Great Time to Buy a Home in Southern California

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yesConsidering when would be the right time to buy a home? There are so many reasons why NOW is the best time all year to buy. Realtor Ty Wallace and his team are always ready for the flurry of real estate activity the accompanies the onset of spring. To sell or buy, just call Ty.

School Year Ending

Since the school year is ending, when you move to a new school district, you won’t have to disrupt your kids’ schedules and extra curricular activities. You can start fresh in your lovely new neighborhood. Plus you’ll have the summer to get to know your new neighbors before the hubbub of a new school year begins.

Before the Intense Heat Hits

We all know how intense the Southern Californian sun can be in the summer. Scurrying from one air conditioned area to another is just about required when temperatures climb above 100 degrees. Tromping all over town looking at potential houses to buy is going to be much less fun when you’re dripping in sweat later on when summer starts. Instead, enjoy current milder temperatures and buy your home before the heat really starts. You’ll be sipping delicious iced coffee in your fantastic new air conditioned home in no time!

The Economy is Looking Up

Everyone knows that the economy, especially the real estate market, has struggled since the recession. But things are looking up. This week the LA Times reported that California’s job creation rate is a lot better compared to other states’. Sectors that have shown improvement include tourism, international trade, construction, and the development of a regional tech sector, especially in Los Angeles and the Inland Empire.

Ty Wallace

Whether you’d like to move to the East San Gabriel Valley, North Orange County, or West Inland Empire, call expert realtor Ty Wallace. He’s part of the top 1% best selling realtors in the United States, so you know you’re in good hands. He’ll take your wants and needs very seriously, taking note of every detail you’d like to see in your new home. Dreams come true when you work with realtor Ty Wallace to find and purchase your new abode. Call [phone], email [email], or send a message by clicking CONTACT in the menu above.

Oh, and happy spring from Ty Wallace and his entire team!

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